Image illustrative de The King of Queens
Image illustrative de The King of Queens

The King of Queens

Un gars du Queens

Doug Heffernan, chauffeur-livreur, et son épouse Carrie, secrétaire dans un cabinet d'avocats, mènent une vie paisible dans le Queens (quartier de New York) jusqu'au jour où l'excentrique père de Carrie vient s'installer chez eux…

Terminée Américaine 25 minutes
Comédie, Comedy CBS, Comédie! 1998

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Image illustrative de l'épisode 4.03 - Mean Streak

Mean Streak

As Doug is about to break what was once thought of as an unbeatable record, the tension between he and the guys at IPS mounts. For 18 years, Iggy Stenkowski's record of 951 consecutive perfect delivery days has remained intact, and the guys resent Doug as he's about to beat it and replace the legendary Iggy's plaque with one of his own. As he deals with his internal conflict, Carrie has trouble dealing with the fact that Holly, the dog walker, actually enjoys spending time with Arthur. She starts to wonder if her father really is as great as Holly thinks he is and that maybe she's the problem in their relationship.

Diffusion originale : 08 octobre 2001

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Diffusion française : 08 octobre 2001
Réalisat.eur.rice.s : James Widdoes
Scénariste.s : Josh Goldsmith , Michael J. Weithorn
Guest.s : Jason Azikiwe , Ken Kerman , Laura Hayes , Wil Albert , Steven Robert Wollenberg , Fred Ornstein , Anthony Powers , Maurice Smith , P.J. Marino

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